HW: Metal Shield number? (was Re: HMV Oxford Street)

Wed Sep 12 18:13:52 EDT 2001

thought someone else might have already replied by now - the shield we speak
of is the Hawkwind CD 'Undisclosed Files' issued as a ltd edition attached
to the back of a solid metal shield that is the design on the cover of the
'Doremi' album in silver coloured metal, quite a heavy little sucker, and
very well designed. It was released as a ltd edition of 300 or so,
completely by accident, as EBS and Griffin were meant to be doing it as a
joint operation for a completely different CD project, but then EBS
presumably dropped/cancelled the project only someone forgot to tell Griffin
who by then had manufactured a load. Initially they weren't
'allowed/supposed'  to sell them, but then, fed up with having them as the
most expensive table leg prop-up tool known to man in the office, they
slipped a few out. Then we came along as CDS and they slipped a whole load
out, officially by this time I gathered, as the Hawk camp had seen it in our
catalogue (yes, we do send them out to the band members if we can) and
didn't know the first thing about it, so we told them accordingly. That's
been rumbling on as we took what we thought to be the last 100 or so, but
turns out they still had about 50-60 left and that is what has been turning
up at the HMV Oxford St shop. I gather there are now only a handful left and
we'll be getting what I presume to be a final delivery of the thing in a
week or so, at the bargain price (you should have seen what it was up to
now) of £35 approx, so order now or that's it - gone!!
Hope this answers the question,
Andy Garibaldi
andygee at dial.pipex.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Shipley" <mr_ship at BELLSOUTH.NET>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: HW: Metal Shield number? (was Re: HMV Oxford Street)

> Sorry to sound so ignorant, but what is this Metal Shield release of which
> you speak? I have  figured out that it is a HW release, and I'm guessing
> is "WotEoT", but are there any details about it? On-line photos, perhaps?

> NP: Eloy / Ocean 2
> Ship

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