HW: reviews of Dark Sun & Nik Turner and Alan Davey recent CD's in print
christmu at EUNET.NO
Fri Sep 21 07:36:38 EDT 2001
Hi all,
I am currently trading off some copies of the latest issue of Norwegian
anarchist/counterculture/UG paper Gateavisa (possibly the oldest European
answer to UK's classic 70's UG publications International Times or Frendz,
Gateavisa was started in 1969 and literally means "The Street Paper") in
which I've included reviews of these recent CD's and 7"'s:
Dark Sun & Nik Turner - "Ice Ritual"
Voivod - "Voivod Lives"
Turbonegro - V.A. : "Alpha Motherfuckers - A Tribute To Turbonegro"
Alan "The Elf" Davey - "Chaos Delight"
JFK, jr. Royal Airforce - "JFK, jr. Royal Airforce"
F/i - "Five Crowns of The Saxon King/From Poppy With Love" 7'
The Mooseheart Faith Stellar Groove Band - "March of The Mind Parasites" 7'
I am mostly interested in quality live Hawkwind material (CDR's or tapes)
or any memorabilia (stickers, papers, flyers etc.) related to or containing
Hawkwind material or graphics. The paper itself and reviews included are in
Norwegian, but can easily be read by Swedes or Danes as well! I will also
include a copy of the 1 pg. comic/color cover "Do & Co i 'Midflight
Express'" which ran in Gateavisa's "Psykose" comics anthology some years
ago, in which there are minor references to Hawkwind, Blue Oyster Cult,
Gong and Amon Duul.
Reply to christmu at eunet.no
ObCD: Coil - Horse Rotovator
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