OFF: superskull 666-achtung nazi scumbags

Guido Vacano nycademon at ATTBI.COM
Sun Aug 4 12:09:03 EDT 2002

What a hoot! I subscribe to a King Crimson newsletter, Elephant Talk,
where they're bitching about the moderator's "censorship". I wonder what
they'd say about this? It's a pity that so much useless and offensive
crap makes it onto boc-l. People need to grow up (like that'll ever happen).


Eli Friedman wrote:

>I'm really tired of reading this racist hate mongering on this list. Is
>anybody paying any attention to what Christian is saying here. Constant Nazi
>references, SS parties jokes, references to dressing up as Hitler. He calls a
>wonderful nice person like Adam Strider a "jew kid" and some of you try to
>defend it as misuse of an adjective. Come on. Wake up, here. It's not Berlin
>1940 is it? And by the way, in his latest appearance Elric kicks major Nazi
>butts, and I'm sure he'd revel in a chance to drink Charlie Yuga aka Supers
>kull666 aka Christian Mumford's racist anti-semitic soul. I hope this crap
>will cease. Yours Eli "Jewish kid"  Friedman

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