HW: Space Ritual Sundown V.2

Sat Aug 31 18:27:53 EDT 2002

Subject: Re: HW: Space Ritual Sundown V.2

> What's worse is the fact that the line between these recodings is
> to blur:
> Hawkwind Space Ritual -- the original one.
> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/6568/hw03asrl.jpg
> Hawkwind Space Ritual Vol 2 -- the "other" one, the sales of which benefit
> who?
> http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00006BXGU.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
> Now that the artwork of Vol. 2 tries to copy (or at least emulate) the
> original artwork, there's a possibility that somebody with a very foggy
> memory of his life in the seventies might pick up the album while thinking
> that he's getting Space Ritual.  It wouldn't happen to any of us on the
> list, but I think we can all picture some guy who can barely remember the
> early 70's (for good reason).  So the poor guy gets nostalgic for
> that he can vaguely remember, and gets suckered into buying Space Ritual
> 2.   (Not that the concert is bad, but why not just call it Ridicule again
> and sell that?  Or do you actually get a few more units sold when you try
> copy a product with some recognition value?)

The otherside of this is that someone will see this on the shelves, assume
they already have it, and not buy it at all. Maybe 'they' have shoot
themselves in the foot?


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