BOC/OFF: the rock and roll hall of fame
Ted Jackson
tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Dec 2 08:51:00 EST 2002
On 2 Dec 2002, at 9:14, Scruton, Jason wrote:
> went with my family to said institution.
Hey, is that what Mr. Bush is talking about when he speaks of
family values?
> Of interest to the list, Handsome Dick Manitoba's Boots and Coat from
> "Go Girl Crazy!" cover pic are on display in the uppoer left hand
> corner of the "PUNK" case... which is good beause its a very Brit
> heavy display, excepting the Ramones.
Who woulda figured? Could be some debate whether the Dictators
are punk, but then what the hell else would you call them?
Sand thing was the gift shop(pe) was owned n' operated by FYE.
> Genre wise, psychadelic music,metal,surf music were either buried or I
> didnt see any representative group mem'ribilia there. Closest it got
> was Brian Jones' mellotron from Satanic Majesties Request.
> and theo, brace yourself:
> Rush had a display there. Neil Pearts drums from the Counterparts
> tour. Bon Jovi had a wall to call its own. that's not right.
Correct on both counts!
> oN the other hand,
> it had the guitars of Muddy waters and willie dixon and the
> instruments of the Who. those 5 things more than make up for the sins
> of commission.
Which axe of Muddy's, do you remember?
> i found it interesting that patrons are not given the opportunity to
> vote at the museum for the potential list of inductees. THe MC5 are on
> the list this time (woo hoo!)
Well, that would fix a lot of what's wrong there. How come no ZZ
Top in the HoF? Whether you like them or not, they've been
together over 30 years with the same lineup, sold millions of
albums, still tour in arenas, and helped launch MTV--why the hell
aren't they in the Hof? Neither is Skynyrd, for that matter. Ah, well,
they had to make room for Jan and Dean...what was I thinking?
> Rock and roll is dead (at least if the museum is playing the Eagles as
> you approach it). and its not dead, too. in closing, the museum
> affirms some of the truly bright spots of the past, enough to reaffirm
> one's convictions in the present (and to sharpen your eye for the
> scariness that passes as 'mainstream').
I notice you aren't specualating on the 'future!'
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