Anyone going to Newcastle?

Rich Warren rich.warren at BTINTERNET.COM
Wed Dec 4 07:41:40 EST 2002

I'll be there Mike. I should get into Newcastle at 6.

I don't think the choice of pub was too good last time ;-)

What about the Irish Pub Opposite Central Station since thats pretty close to the venue? The name escapes me ONEILLS?? Un less anyone has a better suggestion.

I will be wearing Turquoise TyeDye or Dubious Hippy Multi Coloured Sweater depending on temperature :-)

Mike Bring the Gorilla Mask it might scare Tim into not singing.

When are they going to get some trains that run after 9/10 at night :-) It's just no good for touring

I will be at Manchester/Liverpool/Walthamstow as well.

Rich W

>  from:    M Holmes <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK>
>  date:    Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:15:45
>  to:      BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU
>  subject: Re: Anyone going to Newcastle?
> Opening night tonight....
> Which pub?
> Looks like it's feasible from Edinburgh i I leave at 10pm and get the
> last London Train back to Edinburgh. The web page says they'll come on
> at 8.30pm so it might just about work out. Otherwse I suppose I'll hae
> one of those tapes that the neo-quarkers will forever be discussing why
> the encore is missing...
> Ignition Sequence Starts....
> FoFP
> P.S: Any tips on hotels in Brighton?

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