Hawkwind request discussion continued

Michael Blackman michael_1968 at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Wed Dec 11 19:54:57 EST 2002

and wouldn't it be such a small thing to ask of the fans for such an

I feel quite cinfident that whatever the reason behind this request it is
for a good reason and uz fans ought to be a little more understanding as I
am sure we all will be.   ?

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Blackman <michael_1968 at OZEMAIL.COM.AU>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: Hawkwind request discussion continued

For those who think (and not thinking very very deeply at that)  that
Hawkwind are only requesting that gigs not be recorded because they are
hoping for a BIG company deal to make millions.......

lets think a little deeper......

what if  (and there is a fair bit of it going on in boc today lol - so here
is my "WHAT IF")

what if........ a BIG tour was on the drawing board..... say perhaps a world
tour that quite possibly be funded by (whomever) under the provision that
the recording was limited to an official recording.
Well hey - these things dont happen for free.  The engineers gotta be paid -
the auditorioums need up front guaratees of ticket sales and  the cleaners
gotta be paid.  They sure as aint gonna work for free.  SO WHY SHOULD

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