HW: Official Post From Hawkwind
William Duffy
Wed Dec 11 21:03:42 EST 2002
I've got a feeling that is what may be happening, as there was posts a few
weeks back that seemed to be hinting at something along those lines. Todd
Rundgren also has a site where you pay a small yearly fee, then you can
download all the material he puts on that site as well.
> Some bands actually sell their boots online. Nazareth has a website where
> you can order a few. Not much, but the price is halfway-decent and it's
> nice that they're making the effort.
> So, maybe this is another reason why the announcement was made. Since
> in "speculation mode", how about this scenario?
> ---incoming transmission received----
> <<<<<decoding>>>>>
> ------message begins----
> Hawkwind Announces Fan-Based Program To Sell Bootlegs Online
> by Lou Zehr, Assimilated Press
> The world was taken by storm earlier today with announcements by the
> Hawkwind that fan-taping and cdr-trading of live shows was requested to
> cease.
> All tapers are asked not to record any further Hawkwind concerts. All
> are asked not to trade any such "bootlegs" amongst themselves.
> In place of this, a new structure will be created. A fan-based program
> now sell these recordings online. One designated taper has been
> contracted to travel with the band and serve as official "fan-taper". His
> works will be submitted to the quality control experts at the Neo-Quark
> Institute, who will master the recording to cdr and produce tasty artwork
> accompany the piece of music history. Then, a fan-based cdr network will
> create cdr copies "on demand" each time the Hawkwind Mission Control
> receives a Galactic Transfer for a cdr order. The price will be quite
> as no excess copies need to sit around in a warehouse. And the band will
> receive a tangible benefit from the distribution of these recordings.
> However, for this initiative to work properly, all trading must be
> completely stamped out. Since it does NOT result in fewer live recordings
> available (rather, it results in a more reliable source and better
> it's expected that all fans will buy into the new system.
> ---end of transmission---
> Now, that's a GOOD reason that I would stand behind. And Colin's the guy
> swing such a deal. So, Colin, is that the secretive news that you've got?
> Or is the speculation train of thought on the wrong tracks once again?
> Cheers,
> Bryan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Mather" <paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 5:36 PM
> Subject: Re: HW: Official Post From Hawkwind
> > On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 10:48:19PM -0000, Colin J Allen wrote:
> >
> > => This decision has nothing to do with protecting (or increasing) sales
> of
> > => legitimate releases. It is a decsion that has been reached for sound
> > => reasons which involve the future viability of the band.
> >
> > I have to admit that this whole thing grows more mysterious by the
> > (in a potboiler-ish sort of way:). :-)
> >
> > So, was it because Alan said he'd quit the band unless they issued
> > an edict telling those mofos in the audience to stop taping? >;-)
> >
> > (Next crackpot theory, please...:)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Paul.
> >
> > e-mail: paul at gromit.dlib.vt.edu
> >
> > "Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
> > deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
> > --- Frank Vincent Zappa
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