Dark Sun

Jerry Guizar jguizar at STNY.RR.COM
Sun Feb 3 16:07:44 EST 2002

From: "Richard Lockwood" <rich at BEERPOWEREDNOISEFRENZY.CO.UK>

> No.  Not in the slightest.
> Beats me why people object to it so much - unless you've got pointless
> animations / intro screens etc, or enormous files, in which case bandwidth
> becomes an issue.

   The biggest problem is with IE on Windows. Ever since MS switched from
plug-ins to ActiveX, I have no idea if the ActiveX control wanting to run is
plug-in like Flash or a malicious program. It doesn't matter to me who's web
site I'm visiting (trusted or not), there's no way you can guarantee me that
it's impossible for someone to plant a malicious ActiveX control.


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