Browsers are a big pile of ****.

Thu Feb 7 18:54:48 EST 2002

> > AOL uses IE, which on my machine is the 'default browser'...

AOL?  That's a virus isn't it?  Delivery method - through the letterbox.
How it works - people put it in the CD drive.  It then proceeds to f*** up
the host machine completely.

Ironic that AOL use a version of IE as their default browser, given that
they own Nutscrape.

>         Discovered yesterday that my College have rather clumsily deleted
> IE frim all their machines suddenly, no idea why...
> >
> > Earlier this year, Netscape made much noise about their Netscape 6, but
> > were problems, such as the screen suddenly (and frequently) going black
> > browsing, requiring a restart...nnnggghhh
> > I have their mail hyping Netscape 6.1, but havent gone to get it...
>         I've heard nothing good about any version of 6 and the general
> opinion of Netscape among Microsoft-hating geeks i know is that while
> they'd love to use Netscape it just isn't as good as IE, indeed, in the
> case of 6 it's actually bad.

A client-side developer speaks:  While NS6 isn't actually *bad*, the main
problem with it is that it isn't backwardly compatable. Ie (ha), if you've
got a nice website that sniffs browsers and then, if your user is using
Netscape, you have JavaScript write out different code (LAYER tags and the
like), Netscape 6 will be detected as "Netsacpe", LAYER tags will be written
out, and Netscape 6 will say "What the hell are these, they're non-standard,
I don't understand them, I know, I'll just break."

> > Now I'm using 4.6, as it was in the machine just then.
>         Except at home, so am I. It does.
> > Did y'all ever consider getting the Opera browser?...Said to be very

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!  Chortle, snurrffff....  Sorry, 'scuse me.

>         Tried the 3.1 version (4) but it wouldn't run properly, some
> corruption of libraries issue which I didn't have time to solve; will at
> some point see if the new version runs under this OS but yes, I've heard
> that it is super-quick but that it doesn't quite do everything. Anything
> outside the two giants (apart from NCSA Mosaic I should say) looks good to
> me though. Yours,
>                   Jon

As a "Not A Fan Of Microsoft's Evil Business Practices", it pains me to say
it, but IE6 (on a PC anyway) is a fantastic, reliable, working browser.  The
sooner people stop using anything else, the sooner the world will be a far
friendlier place.  (I've been working down at Sony for the last week, having
to rebuild an intranet from scratch, as it didn't work with any other
browser than IE6 on PC.  All the code SHOULD have worked - but it didn't.
For example, did you know that NS 4.x (and I think 6) doesn't support HEIGHT
in a stylesheet?).  You get to loathe browsers after about, ooh, five

Rant over.



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