OFF: ship of Fools

Andreas Stuewe Andreas.Stuewe at T-ONLINE.DE
Wed Jan 2 13:30:36 EST 2002

SHLL (Scott Heller) wrote:

> Ship of Fools- Out There Somewhere
>                                   - Close your Eyes, Forget the World
>                                       - 'Ship of Fools' promo 10"

white label promo 10" containing 2 versions of "Guidance is eternal" + "Diesel
Spaceships" off _Out there somewhere_. Nice item to own, but rather superfluous
IMO if you have the album.

>                               - Head Your Mind' compilation 2 TRKS

which featured a very different version of "L=SD2" off _Close your eyes..._ and
the unreleased "Psychodelic". An essential release if you´re a SoF fan. The rest
of the comp really sucks tho.

>                               - cassette sampler from Dreamtime label (1tr)

what´s on this?


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