HW: RE: places to go/ nearest castle/stone monolith or circle

Colin J Allen colin at CALLEN18.FREESERVE.CO.UK
Mon Jul 15 18:02:30 EDT 2002

Hi Mike,

For castles, I would recommend Nunny castle in Somerset.  It is about 2
hours away but I love it, mostly because my family used to own it before
granny gave it to the national trust.

Near to the festival site, there are Roman mines which are well worth
seeing.  If you want stone circles etc, then Stonehenge is a must see, as is
the complex at Avebury (better than Stonehenge IMHO) and there are masses of
stone rows etc on Dartmoor (further down into Devon).



----- Original Message -----
From: "Burro Mike" <sloterdijk at MSN.COM>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 5:10 PM
Subject: HW: RE: places to go/ nearest castle/stone monolith or circle

Hi all..My fiancé really wants to see a castle..Anyone know where the
nearest one to the site would be? Also stone monolith or circle?

Peace, Mike

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