(OFF) Hawk mIRC chat/ fun fun

mike c deltawave at METRONET.COM
Sun Mar 10 14:19:08 EST 2002

group post due to pressing need for Heinken...and this stack of CD's I just
chucked one hundred plus+ on (means I spent too much d'ohh)
dear people- there are no false words here...
I got NO PROBLEMS with anyone on the above issue..(or any other)..it was
over at the start...
was a misunderstanding and I want to thank you for even noting the insanity
I pump out,,...

if I don't get drinking I'll have to sleep and thats just not what I want
to do-
enough with me, truly sorry so much of me on the board, and you can leave
this issue to the embers of nothing at all...

I am indeed, a weird dude dude, and if I can't be real, then I s*ck.....

no problems

and PS- I don't even know where to get any of that there dangerous goup
anymore, it's a sham....Mommy, is that you calling?

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