HW: Wembley gig

Bernhard Pospiech bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE
Tue Oct 22 14:36:03 EDT 2002

Thanks Alan !!!


At 19:28 22.10.2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Hey Bernhard
>Eddie Jobson posted the set but cunningly used the
>word "included" which may have thrown some people, so,
>to confirm, the HW set was -
>Angels of Death
>Motorway City
>Hurry on Sundown
>Master of the Universe (w. Arthur Brown)
>Song of the Gremlin (w. Arthur Brown)
>The Watcher (Alans vocals cut in during this)
>Hassan I Sahba inc. Palestine
>Silver Machine (w. Lemmy & Arthur Brown)
>Now if I only I could place those missing 2 Motorhead
> --- Bernhard Pospiech <bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE>
>wrote: > Hi
>> Is really noone able here to give us an exact track
>> listing in the right
>> order ?
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