HW: Cosmic Overdrive: Oh Dear delete if offended.. swear words afoot....
Alan Linsley
alankerren at YAHOO.CO.UK
Wed Sep 11 13:44:44 EDT 2002
--- M Holmes <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK> wrote: >
> Does anyone have any suggestions? The first thing
> that comes to my mind
> is that we produce and distribute amongst ourselves
> some stickers. These
> should be arranged to state the truth (meaning we
> have to find it out).
> Let's say that they say "Not official Hawkwind
> release. Avid fans say
> these are not the best quality sound and advise a
> different purchase"
These might have the same effect as the Parental
Advisory thing ie make the CD more interesting for
some. How about setting up a website called
www.dontbuythisshit.com or something, and just sticker
that over the price label. The unwitting potential
purchaser wouldn't have to buy it to remember the URL,
and you could then be leading them to a simple web
page with a full explanation of why this stuff should
be left in the racks.
Trouble is, if the security ape in the megastore
caught you doing it... Stupid idea. I'll get me coat.
Best thing we can do is just not buy it. How many
people on this list will quietly pick up a copy just
to maintain their "complete" collections? Shame on
you. I haven't touched this stuff since the
mid-eighties, didn't buy Ridicule, didn't buy In The
Beiginning etc etc. NAME DROP ALERT - Brock once told
me "I wish HW fans wouldn't buy the bloody things coz
then there'd be no market for them".
that's my two penneth then
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