HW: Sonic Attack

Michael W Blackman Michaelangelo68 at AOL.COM
Wed Sep 11 22:57:03 EDT 2002

In a message dated Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:14:28  AEDT, Chris Raymond <chrisr at TIAC.NET> writes:

> I think Living on a Knife Edge is a completely great HW song. I would die
> happy if this was played live someday. I love this album too. My least
> favorite HW album was always IITBOTFTBD.
> I have not listened to it for many years, I should check it out.

You should do so good sir Knight.  Tis amongst my favorites.  Space is their Palestine, I cant get enough of.  But the neighbors probably do.  Plenty of good trippy sounds on that one.

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