Aesthetic vs Platform issues (was: Guido)
Mike Montfort
mikemont at NYCAP.RR.COM
Wed Sep 25 14:25:25 EDT 2002
::-----Original Message-----
::From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
::Behalf Of Stephan Forstner
::Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 12:49 PM
::Subject: Re: Guido
::>Okay, I'm gonna teach you all how to use Rik's site.
::>1. Go to favourites and click on Hawkwind Mission Control
::>2. Click on the spinning little square. You'll find that in the centre of
::>the page.
::>3. You'll see a little red eye - just position your mouse cursor
::on it and
::>you'll see "Control," "Home" 0r "Close"
::>4. Click on "Control"
::>5. Click on "Catalogue"
::>6. Click on lyrics
::Once again, I'm not taking sides here, but I just followed these 6 steps
::and my browser crashed as soon as the lyrics page loaded. Check the BOC-L
::archives and you'll see that I mentioned this particular problem almost
::exactly 11 months ago. Appearance/layout/flashy bits etc are subjective,
::and people should be allowed to air their aesthetic differences here, but
::actual operation is not subjective and the official Hawkwind
::website should
::work properly. 11 months ago I offered to help with the problem and I'll
::repeat the offer - I've got access to a wide range of MS OS's and
::and if Rik contacts me I'll be happy to try and help pinpoint the problem.
Hi all
I think we should separate the aesthetic from the platform issues.
If you don't like the way it looks that is one thing.
If it doesn't work mechanically for you that is another.
For me I just loaded the lyrics page on with my browser. I am using the IE
version 6.0.2800.1106 with the sp1 update. No crash and no problems. My
base OS is 98SE with all the updates.
However using the Latest and Greatest Netscape 7.0 (why they still make this
is beyond me) the floating applet for eye does not appear so it makes
navigating almost impossible in Flash.
The site works fine mechanically and I think it is aesthetically pleasing.
But getting back to the original branching of this thread. People should be
able to say what they feel and not feel they will be persecuted for not
toeing the imaginary company line.
Best to all
Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.
-- Anthony Burgess
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