++++ HW: Covers All Final Call/ Studio album

Aerospace Age Peacenik mikemont at NYCAP.RR.COM
Thu Apr 17 09:02:54 EDT 2003


If I may be so bold.  The problem is very often not with the message that
Hawkwind delivers to BOC-L and Hawkwind at YahooGroups but the way the message
is phrased by the messenger.

Reading your post was such a blast of fresh air compared to the sarcastic
and I-know-more-than-you attitude of your business manager.

Please post to this list and Hawkwind at YahooGroups more often.

Best regards to you and Dave

Mike Montfort


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without
accepting it.
-- Aristotle

-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
Behalf Of Hawkperson
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: ++++ HW: Covers All Final Call/ Studio album

Oops sorry if this came out twice, but I seemed to send the same message
back last time and I should have snipped it :-}

Wow Jon!

Why do you seem to dislike us so much?
If you are a fan why are you pulling us to pieces, we work so hard and try
to consider everyones feelings and points of view......maybe you should
stop and give a little thought to ours.

The band have been working really hard on this album, whether you believe
it or not. You try being creative in the face of adversity. Its far easier
to critcise.

Why do you say that we fired Douglas? We did not, he is currently enjoying
retirement at his villa in Spain. Yes things change, its sad but it is

I just don't understand why you feel the need to attack us, you either like
what we are doing and buy our records or you do not.

Why on earth would Dave pay anyone to praise his music? That is such a
discourteous thing to say that it verges on rudeness.

Also do you think that you know something about the legal proceedings that
we do not? All I can say is try walking a mile in the other man's shoes and
perhaps you will gain a grater understanding of the other man's feelings.

I feel so sad that I have to write a message like this when there are so
many more positive things I could be putting my energy into......but hey
maybe that's the problem?

The new album is sounding great by the way.

(waiting to be attacked by Jon, but feeling that she had to say something)

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