HW: (the real) Death Trap lyrics

Nick Medford nickmedford at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 26 17:08:30 EDT 2003

On Sat, 26 Apr 2003 15:55:48 EDT, Joe Loehr <JLoehr4299 at AOL.COM> wrote:

>As to what Bob (or Dave/Nik/Lemmy/) were really singing . . . doesn't that
>depend on which version of a particular song one happens to be listening

Indeed. As far as "Death Trap" goes, I've always thought of the PXR5
version as the archetype, and all others as variants or even imitations.
I'm not sure there's any logical reason for thinking like that, it's
probably just because the PXR5 version is the one I heard first (and still
the one I like best)- a very subjective thing, in other words.


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