Hawkwind Festival 2003

Tom Byrne t.byrne at NTLWORLD.COM
Sun Aug 17 04:49:57 EDT 2003

I've just returned from my Irish holiday. After a week to digest the events of last weekend, here are a few impressions of the Hawkfest.

In 30 years or so of going to see rock concerts and festivals, I've never been to events as intimate, as good natured or as relaxed as these events (2002 & 2003)

2003 was better than 2002 - more structured and better facilities.

The standard of the music was very high indeed, and it was a delight to be able to wander by and chat to the musicians (Mr Quimby's Beard et al).

The whole event was very well orgainised owing to the tireless dedication of the crew (Tone, Kris, Colin & all)

I had no hesitation at all in bringing the kids or in letting them wander around the site.

Playing in Alien Dream was terrific fun. As Dave Law mentions in the Hawkwind Museum review, I might have displayed some little stage fright pre gig, which an observer might have interpreted as utter terror, but once I was on it was magic.

Thanks very much to our audience for taking in the set and for applauding!

Thanks also to Dave Law for his kind review (part of his account at http://www.hawkwindmuseum.co.uk/hawkfest1.htm in the very excellent Hawkwind Museum)

It was a pleasure to meet Dave and other list / chat friends - and sympathies to Dave for having to bob out on Saturday of all days!

The on-site restaurants weren't cheap, but weren't a rip-off either and the food was very good indeed - we didn't need to eat anywhere else for the 3 days.

Elder son Matthew got a good go on a set of drums in the middle of the field (I assume this was the drum workshop) and was extraordinarily chuffed at some youngsters asking him for pointers.

I missed the synth workshop I was looking forward to - was it there?

I agree with others that the dance tent was a pain in the ear. I know a stand-up comedian that does a routine about people dancing to the sound of car alarms, pneumatic drills, etc - and I could see where he got his material. I don't begrudge those that like this kind of thing their entertainment - but it should be put as far as possible from the main tent - it did intrude on the main performances.

A lot has been written about the music, especially Saturday night - I'll just repeat that we were not at all disappointed - we were expecting a lot and our expectations were surpassed. Hawkwind gave excellent value for money, everyone who played on Friday was brilliant and Sunday was great too. The bill was also imaginatively put together - a great blend of space rock, psychedelic, hard rock and celtic rock. At no point did listening become tedious.

I'm just a little worried that having been to the last two Hawkfests my kids will become spoiled - comparing other gigs to these high standards!

If there is another one next year, playing or not - we will be there!!

Best regards


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