Hawk midi???

David Blair drb.serendipity at DSL.PIPEX.COM
Mon Dec 15 18:13:24 EST 2003

In article <ABC4EFAF3217D311A39200508B08F7FC04D7E6FC at psi17.psi.ch>,
Henderson Keith <keith.henderson at PSI.CH> writes
>Bart Brugmans hat geschrieben...
>>>I've been hanging out for the watch-mobiles
>>>where there's no speaker and you have to stick your finger in your ear
>>>to hear the conversation by bone conduction.
>>Hmmm..intersting idea...i'll talk to R&D about it, and see if they can
>>a babelfish at the same time...
>No, I think this is real (the bone-phone I mean; sadly not the Babelfish,
>just yet anyway), as I saw something about it too.  But you never
>know...just because it was on the 'news' doesn't mean much these
>days, as far as truth goes.
>Grakkl (FAA), who's holding out for a 'Frankenbabelfish' in
>glow-in-the-dark designer colors

Bonephones will be available at the end of the month. Allegedly.

David Blair

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