HW: Sabbaticals
Dr _ Technical
dr_technical at MCMAHON66.FSNET.CO.UK
Mon Feb 17 06:14:28 EST 2003
On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 16:50:12 -0500, Steve Youles <youless at LVCM.COM> wrote:
1) 20 years (!!)
2) 1982 - 2002
3) Wine, women and (different) songs
4) Found websites etc, went to see them in December and now listen to
nothing else. I've got a lot of albums to buy and catch up on now. Perhaps
someone could recommend the essentials from the last 20 years. I've
recently bought Space Bandits and am not 100% keen on it.
>I've noticed that many Hawkwind fans are into the band for years, then go
>off them completely, sometimes for years or even decades, before returning
>to the fold. I'd like to ask list members if this applies to them,
>1) How many years did you spend away from HW?
>2) When did you leave and when did you come back?
>3) What made you leave?
>3) What made you come back?
>The answers in my case would be 1) 15 years 2) 1982 - 1997 3) I wasn't
>enjoying the new stuff they were doing, and 4) I went to a gig they played
>near my house and got sucked back in!
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