HW: Sabbaticals

Doug Pearson jasret at MINDSPRING.COM
Tue Feb 18 22:14:55 EST 2003

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 16:50:12 -0500, Steve Youles <youless at LVCM.COM> wrote:
>I've noticed that many Hawkwind fans are into the band for years, then go
>off them completely, sometimes for years or even decades, before returning
>to the fold.  I'd like to ask list members if this applies to them,
>1) How many years did you spend away from HW?

About 5-ish.

>2) When did you leave and when did you come back?

Approx. 91-96.

>3) What made you leave?

Unimpressed with 'Electric Teepee' (subsequently more highly-regarded by me
because it has some great songs, but there's still too much filler IMHO)
and IitBotFtbD (which I haven't changed my opinion on).

>4) What made you come back?

Excitement over seeing Nik's band in '94, followed by Hawkwind the next
year, with Ron Tree, who got the band out of the trio's "stasis" condition
and made things more exciting to me.  The UA/EMI remasters and the '1999
Party' being released around that time really helped, too.

Still ... I can't say I was ever really "on sabbatical" ... it just took me
longer to get around to buying the two aforementioned albums than any of
HW's previous or subsequent studio efforts.

     jasret at mindspring.com

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