HW: Sabbaticals

Ben Fagin vulcanfoundry at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Fri Feb 21 02:29:41 EST 2003

On Thursday 20 Feb 2003 14:24, you wrote:

> Like I said, I never saw him when he wasn't either a) encumbered by a bass
> guitar or b) offstage half the time, so I may not be in the best postion to
> judge. And I quite liked his vocals. But I did have a bit of a problem with
> his lyrics. Although I suppose it's fair to say that aside from Calvert,
> lyrics have never been HW's strongest suit.

Were in slight disagreement over this, I think Hawkwind's Lyrics are the best
ever written including those by Ron Tree IF they are taken the Right way.
Some of them have reduced me to tears of Laughter.

IMO Ron Tree took the Myth of Insanity to the Next Level, the Notion of
getting back from the Subconscious to Reality on [Hawkwind 1997] is
Intelligent and Highly Admirable.

Also I think 25 Years on and Test Tube Concieved are certainly among the
Greatest Works ever. Many would argue that from a Social Standing-Point they
are a too close to the truth for comfort.

Best Regards


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