Once again music gets the blame

Cpt Blue Skin michael_1968 at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Wed Jan 8 11:24:41 EST 2003

I like that idea.  Everyone should be trained to use weapons properly - have
a weapon and the ammunition for self defense if it is ever needed.
It wouldn't hurt for people to have a graphic depiction of the damage these
weapons actually cause.  Most people dont realise that a simple leg wound or
arm wound can be just as fatal as a head or chest wound.  and its amazing to
discover how ignorant most people are about guns and gunshot wounds.

Cpt Blue Skin

----- Original Message -----
From: Henderson Keith <keith.henderson at PSI.CH>
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: Once again music gets the blame

> Mike U.G. Holmes offers...
> > Per capita ownership is higher in Switzerland (than) in the US
> > (it's mandatory for males to keep a gun and ammunition) while the
> > crime rate is lower.
> Um...I will qualify that by saying that only male Swiss (native)
> citizens are required to pack heat in their homes.  So far, nobody
> has come knocking on my door telling me to arm myself.  But yes, after
> I was surprised to see Swiss military get on the train and store their
> rifles in the overhead bins, I learned from my Zurich-native colleague
> here that indeed they retain their weapons for life after their
> service is up.  And that they do have this little box of ammunition
> that is to be only opened in case of some legitimate situation.
> Like Nazis marching across the border or something.  Or perhaps an
> invasion force from Liechtenstein on sheepback, I dunno.
> Since the Swiss don't seem to have much influence on international
> politics/affairs (an understatement) apart from organizations that
> are *intended* to cross int'l boundaries without political concerns
> (i.e., Red Cross, etc.), I guess you might sum up the attitude of
> this place as "Speak not-at-all, and *everyone* carries a big stick.
> (So leave us the hell alone.)"
> Guns in the home here don't have much of anything to do with the
> kind of violence you're all talking about though.  That doesn't
> exist here (hardly) 'cause I can't seem to find a 'slum' here, and
> I don't think there are any poor/forgotten people here either.
> But then, you really *can't* be forgotten, 'cause everyone
> registers with their local community as an official resident (I
> guess censuses (censa?) aren't necessary?) and if you get into
> any kind of serious financial trouble, I guess they call you into
> a hearing and take over management of your personal finances.
> That leaves 'crimes of passion,' and maybe they don't have much
> passion here either.  :)
> OK, a bit of a close-to-on-topic music bit...here's an old Alien
> Planetscapes tape being offered on Ebay...FYI.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1577&item=935431512
> Grakkl (FAA), who knows better than to go into *those* areas of certain
> towns like Detroit and Cleveland, unless there's a really good reason,
> like a space-rock concert or something.  And who's never come across
> a problem/spooky feeling otherwise in the states, and hence is more
> relieved about the lack of PC-hypersensitivity about everything (from
> sex, to nipples (what are they?), to race, to marijuana, to...) here.
> And the fact that everything in the states is so darn LOUD and in-your-
> face...this coming from my recent 2-week visit there after 4 months away.

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