HW: Summerfest 2003

Mick Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Thu Jan 9 14:33:05 EST 2003

I'm interested of course! I think that the Hawkfest should be kept just for passport holders and their family and friends - but if the band would like to explore the idea of widening the audience, then it could be done while keeping a friendly atmosphere - the Canterbury festival for example.
I'm being greedy now, but if the band go for a bigger audience, I'd also like to see a genuine 'private HW party'
lasting just for a day perhaps, but where just HW play a few free and easy sets or jam sessions - like the eclipse party  - what a day/night that was!


> + +   + + +   +STAR WARRIORS + +++   +  +
>Greetings and best wishes to all from Hawkwind for 2003
>The band wondered if people would be interested in another Hawkfest this
>If there is enough interest, then we will have to begin organising it pretty
>Our main question is:
>If it happens, would people still want it to be kept to passport holders
>only this time?

May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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