OFF: Other Bands - Guilty pleasures
Alan Linsley
alankerren at YAHOO.CO.UK
Sat Jan 18 15:36:58 EST 2003
Ha! I'll beat you all hands down on this one -
Abba, Abba Gold rules
Tears For Fears, undergoing a small revival due to
Donnie Darko
The Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack. No, really, the
full version of Disco Inferno has a certain hypnotic
quality to it. Ok, so I'm a sick individual.
Consider the Gauntlet thrown...
--- Ian Abrahams <mail at ABRAHAMSI.FREESERVE.CO.UK>
wrote: > Ha! Good One, William! - Yes to early Abba
(lets say
> that they lost it after
> Knowing Me, Knowing You...) - course, there's a
> whole world of un-converteds
> out there that would place Hawkwind in this part of
> the thread......
> Ian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "William Duffy" <xl5 at IINET.NET.AU>
> Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 6:21 PM
> Subject: Re: OFF: Other Bands - Guilty pleasures
> > Now, how about a list of some artits that you
> like, but are afraid to
> admit
> > it to some people.
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