Larry Boyd
Bill & Cynthia
freeaqua at IINET.NET.AU
Sat Mar 8 08:49:38 EST 2003
Bob, a great look into Larry's music life.
I would love to read Larry's "secret history of music." To keep the flame
burning, someday you must quote some of it. Even if a little....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert C. Mayo" <RMayo19761 at AOL.COM>
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: Larry Boyd
> I had known Larry since around 1989; we worked for the same company for
> 5 yrs. He bacame a musical mentor of sorts; both being musicians, we
> inevitably talked music. Larry quickly sussed the 'deficiencies' in my
> knowledge/collection :-) and made what must amount to 150 or so cassttes
> me during that period, When he left the company, the cassettes kept on
> thru the mail (right up until last summer). I literally have 4 milk crates
> overflowing with his homemade cassettes. His hand-written liner notes were
> always outstanding; accurate, concise, smart, and funny. Any question I
> had about music was answered by him. Not musical trivia, but the
> philosophical, the technical, the artistic; supplying both objectivity and
> subjectivity (Larry had VERY strong opnions on all of the above).
> His specialty was the 'secret history' of rock music, as he saw it; and I
> have his manifesto, contained within 13 yrs of magnetic impulses,
> in a makeshift milk crate museum in my basement.
> Larry also located a cassette copy of an LP he told me right out wasn't
> ever existed: Leigh Stevens' Red Weather LP.... I asked if he could dig it
> and he told me he had never heard of it, and that meant it might not
> exist :-). But he found it for me, trading his way thru his gigantic
> and mailing it to me. He supplied me with a ton of stuff I never knew I
> needed until I heard it.
> Music was the most important thing to Larry, of that I have no doubt.
> doesn't describe it.... he considered himself a 'keeper of the flame' with
> his favorite music and considered it his mission to keep that flame
> He succeeded with me. And Larry was an accomplished writer, but he
> communicated most effectively with some thru music. Our decade-long
> 'conversation' left me enriched, endebted, and amazed. Of course, I never
> really kept up my end of the 'trading', as Larry didn't 'need' to a
> he was one. He cherished the role and told me so; I was greatful to him
> told him that often.
> We have lost a great lover of music, an amazing mind, a rockin' drummer,
> a gentle spirit. We should remember him each our own way, and be thankful
> that has found peace.
> If anyone would like cassette :-) copies of any of the music Larry
> made with his many bands, email me. I must keep the flame burning......
> BobM
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