HW: irc

Arin Komins akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Sat Mar 15 16:11:25 EST 2003

Hey folks,

Just a quick note:

dal.net appears to be mostly on its feet again, so we've relegated
newnet.net back to "backup" status.

If you can't get into dal.net (matrix.de.eu.dal.net and
arcor.de.eu.dal.net have been reliable over the last 2 weeks), feel free
to try newnet, but I'll keep the status message of the channel accurate.

(newnet's channel message currently reads "Please join us back on
dal.net" for instance.)


Arin Komins                                   akomins at uchicago.edu
Manager of Web Systems Architecture
University of Chicago/ENSS/NSIT                 tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637        fax: (773)702-0559

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