HW: The Business Trip Album
Jon Jarrett
Mon Mar 24 15:26:20 EST 2003
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Robert Damian wrote:
> Hey does anyone out there know how Dave Brock set up
> things to trigger certain sounds while playing guitar
> on the Business Trip CD? I find it so interesting that
> this was pulled off with just three people. Thank you
> to anyone for help.
This was still kicking about my INBOX because I didn't remember
anyone answering it. Went to the archives and found that Captain Bl at ck had
in fact explained that Dave's guitar had a MIDI controller in it back then
and gave you the details... But no-one seems to have mentioned the fact
that Richard Chadwick was also controlling the sequencer lines from the
drum-kit at that point (or very soon after). Have a look at this interview
from the 1995 US tour (conducted by current or erstwhile list-members
Chris Bruce, Scott Heller & Carl Anderson) if you're interested:
The key bit goes like this:
CB- Now that you are using triggers (devices that allow one person to
trigger synthesizer sequences to match a beat or tempo) how has your set
changed and your actual drum kit, since say 91', the last time I saw you?
RC- I'm not using any electronic drums at all anymore.
CB- Are you still following Dave's sequencer, say dave is running a
certain speed, do you have a mid-line going between you to?
RC- I trigger it.
CB- Oh... you trigger it!
RC- Just press go and we start...
CB- And they follow your tempo from there.
RC- I would really like to get back to a stage where we can jam, instead
of using triggers.
CB- Instead of being locked in.
Plenty of other interesting stuff in there for a historian of the
band and their plans too. Yours,
"I recognise that I have transgressed many of the precepts of the divine
law, and that I am subjected by various vices and iniquities, disobedient
to the words of the divine mystery brought unto me and a worshipper of the
delights of this military age." Marquis Borrell of Barcelona, 955 A.D.
(Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College London)
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