HW: M.Moorcock (or Bob??) IT took me ages!Enjoy?

alan day yadnala at HOTMAIL.COM
Sun May 4 18:12:11 EDT 2003

Thnks V. much Doug. Hope you read my earlier addmission.Al.

>From: Doug Pearson <jasret at MINDSPRING.COM>
>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
>Subject: Re: HW: M.Moorcock (or Bob??) IT took me ages!Enjoy?
>Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 16:39:38 -0400
>On Fri, 2 May 2003 20:21:48 +0100, "Alan Linsley" <alankerren at YAHOO.CO.UK>
> >*Ode To A Time Flower* by Robert Calvert (New Worlds 5, pub.1973)
> >
> >Your calyx hides a nectary of time
> >That with my fingers I could pluck as easily
> >As sounding strings to recite their chime.
> >And your most exquisite petals melt icily
> >In my palm.  To hold the flow of moments past
> >As carefully as I would my last
> >Few seconds on Earth.  Would that be Crime?
> >Or if I picked you just to see you turn
> >To crystalled pearl in my eyes, and learn
> >How Man is Angel on his way from slime.
> >
> >Did heedless Eve think twice before she broke
> >The enjewelled fruit from its brittle stem.
> >Or the first man to reach out and stroke
> >The marijuana leaf condemn
> >Himself for greed when harvesting
> >And burning such a golden thing.
> >As this dreaming poet who just then spoke
> >Of your sacredness, and is now prepared
> >to do exactly as he first declared
> >And make of his museful words a joke.
> >
> >But not quite as easy after all
> >I find, as my fingers reach to grasp,
> >Your gleaming head to wrench from its tall
> >Transparent stalk, they refuse to clasp.
> >As did Pandora's eager hands hold still
> >At the thought of the box containing ill.
> >Or the stoned explorers of Medusa stall
> >For time, not entered in their log,
> >Before they dared the petrific fog
> >That holds them still in its timeless thrall.
> >
> >********* a nectary of time
> >That with my fingers I could pluck as easily
> >As sounding strings to recite their chime.
> >And your most exquisite petals melt icily
> >In my palm.  To hold the flow of moments past
> >As carefully as I would my last
> >Few seconds on Earth.  Would that be Crime?
> >Or if I picked you just to see you turn
> >To crystalled pearl in my eyes, and learn
> >How man is Angel on his way from slime.
> >
> >Note the references to (First Landing on) Medusa and the (Hawkwind)
> >log.  Read by Moorcock (strangely, as Bob was there) at Windsor 1973.
>Like many of Calvert's poems/lyrics, this one is based on the work of
>another author, J.G. Ballard (who wrote the novel 'High Rise' [1975], tying
>in with the other thread even though that one's more about bassists than
>authors; also, his first novel, 'The Drowned World' [1962] provided the
>title for "City Of Lagoons").  Ballard's 'The Garden Of Time' (1962)
>concludes with its protaganists turned to statues (sorry to spoil the
>ending!), hence the Medusa reference.
>     -Doug
>      jasret at mindspring.com

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