HW: some, OFF: much

Henderson Keith keith.henderson at PSI.CH
Tue May 20 08:16:35 EDT 2003

Andy Gee said...

> Arc Met are still active. They've offered us the chance to
> manufacture the new live CD which we are currently
> considering

This one *different* than Viva, you mean?  Or just an
official release of same?

> As to poor old Doug Walker, with his health problems (Alien
> Planetscapes), anyone know
> how he is these days? Not heard from Doug in ages.

I talked to him briefly over Xmas 2002, and he sounded pretty
upbeat then.  Not sure how he's going right now though.

> > What's Marc Power up to these days, anyone know?

Recently I saw this announcement...so I guess Marc's healthy
enough to play again now?  That's good news!
Scattered Planets will soon be hosting another space
rock festival featuring bands from the Philadelphia
area as well as nearby states.

Featured acts include:
Born To Go - http://borntogo.com
Scattered Planets - http://scatteredplanets.com
Sowbelly - http://mp3.com/sowbelly
Stellarscope - http://stellarscope.net
Mikronesia - http://mikronesia.com
Audiophyle -
Theatre of the Mind

Also featured will be visual displays and catering by
the famous Chef Jeff (sic - actual spelling I believe
is Chef Geoff, ed.).

This event will be held at the Rotunda in Philadelphia
(4012 Walnut St). 6pm-2am on Saturday May 31st. The
show is free for all ages. For more information on
the Rotunda and other events held at this venue, visit

For a copy of the flyer and other information:

See you there!


> Last ST 37 was total change from previous one which was total
> change from previous one, so they're one of the most adventurous
> ones around right now,that's for sure. But last more song-based
> album improves with every play.

In addition to their official CDs (Emperor Jones), they've been
doing their own homemade 'outtakes' releases.  Including the
one LP from a few years' back (The Secret Society was it?) and
then a CD in c. 2001, black & white cover (can't remember the title,
one word I think).  Anyway, I thought I saw that they had something
new again on Black Widow for the near (if that's possible) future,
oddly enough.  So they're very active it seems.  And if you go to
their website, you will see they're working on a tour with Primordial
Undermind (the fourth (?) version, TX-based now) including other
areas of the country (playing in Philly with Bardo Pond too).  For
sometime in mid-Summer (July-Aug.).  So I guess there's definitely
some life there!

> > Don't know any
> > of the Hungarian stuff I confess. Where would one ideally start with
> > fixing that?

Korai Orom - 1997 is my favorite.
Colorstar - Heavenicetrip and Masfel - Anglyatojas (sp?) are also quite
nice...Ozric-y, ethnic-y, trance-y tribal fun.

> As to Star Nation, Jerry's involved with assorted projects other
> than that right now, so maybe that's on hold. The two Starfield
> releases to date continue to sell.

Will there at some point be a 'Tubilah Dog' retrospective release
or two?  There were a couple cassettes that they sold at free
festies, and some of this material has gotten out and about via
CDR trading...and some of it's quite good.  Including a great track
called "Nyalathotep" (or something similar) by a TDog-related-entity
the name of which I can't recall (but it's mentioned in Chris
Williams' Adrift in the Ether' tome).  This should be a Voiceprint
effort it would seem.

And does 'assorted projects' mean that he's still working with
Alf Hardy (also ex-TDog)?  If so, I hope then the back catalog
will get the deserved attention...but whether Steve Mills is
onboard with it I can't guess.

Grakkl (FAA), disappointed to be missing HW, UofE, and Here 'n'
Now all at once, but happy about seeing both Fish and Circle here
in der Schweiz in the next couple of weeks.  And see you in
Garstang!  I got #248 (I think), so we're half way to 500, those
of you that want to get the freebie CD the easy way.

ObCD: Specimen 37 - Adverse Reaction
from Boston, MA...just pulled this out the other day, it's quite
a fun listen, and if you live in the area you might watch out for
live shows (www.specimen37.com).

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