HW: Astoria meet-up and passport holders

Filip Vanhuyse Filip.Vanhuyse at PANDORA.BE
Thu May 22 17:38:37 EDT 2003

although i can't attend,i'm with Eric on this one.
We all had a nice time at the Angel (remember Arin telling her Samatha Fox
story,hilarious).There must be a photo somewere on the web about this
meeting and I do remember some guy  from Lancaster (sorry,forgot your name)
was eating there something they call custard pie or whatever the english
call food (REAL tongue in cheeck here ;-))))))))))
anyway it was a nice pub,just across the astoria and no chain.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Siegerman" <erics at TELEPRES.COM>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: HW: Astoria meet-up and passport holders

> On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:58:10AM +0100, M Holmes wrote:
> > Just worried since there was no grub at the Walthamstow pub and drinking
> > on an empty stomach (or airline food) isn't good for me.
> What about the Angel (St. Giles High St.)?  From the list
> archives, that's where we met for the HawXmas gig in 2000.  I
> don't recall whether they meet Mike's stringent dietary
> requirements :-)
> This is supposedly their phone number (according to the online
> directory at http://www.pub-uk.co.uk/lonwc.htm): 020 8788 1997.
> --
> |  | /\
> |-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        erics at telepres.com
> |  |  /
> My Wine works.  However it crashes about half the time on startup.
> Apparently their simulation of windoze API is getting too accurate.  :)
>         - Kyle Sallee

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