HW:My trip to the Milkyway/Amsterdam

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Tue Oct 21 11:31:49 EDT 2003

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Filip Vanhuyse wrote:


> I told you already about the gig at the start,but still want to point out Keith Barton,guitar
> Way,way much better than Jerry(who isn't ?,haven't said this,haven't said this,ducking,ducking,but I mean it)
> If you don't know who Keith is,he's the guitarplayer from Spacehead.(Mr.Dibbs you know)
> I must say he's really really good.
> He doesn't look like a Hawkwind member(short hair,etc.),but hey Keith I don't look like a Hawknut neither,don't I (had some great laughs,but keep up the good works and the wah wah)

        I saw Keith with Spacehead but I haven't yet seen him with
Hawkwind. I've gotta say he didn't challenge Jerry that time, but I'm one
of the few people who seems to think Jerry was any good at all. If
anything Jerry's problem was that he was too much like Dave only
faster; his style didn't contrast anything like as much as Huw's does and
so all you get to notice is the chops and widdling. Assuming he hadn't
been mixed out by the soundman in the first place as seems to keep
happening to Hawkwind's lead instruments. But he is pretty accomplished in
my book. If Keith is playing better than that I shall be impressed at the
Christmas Party... Yours,

                Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College, London
    jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk/ejarr01 at students.bbk.ac.uk
  "As much as the vision of the blind man improves with the rising sun,
       So too does the intelligence of the fool after good advice."
       (Bishop Theodulf of Orleans, late-eight/early-ninth century)

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