BRAIN: Nice timing
Jon Jarrett
Tue Oct 28 05:09:05 EST 2003
Dear All (and Al),
so, I'm trying to scrape enough money together
to pay the rent next month without borrowing, and last night my girlfriend
rang to say she was in hospital and they were going to do a very minor
operation on her, though not so minor as not to need a general
anaesthetic, and I haven't yet heard she's OK, and a variety of other
things are being quite difficult.
I didn't *tell* Al any of this because when I sent the money
orders across the Atlantic it wasn't the case; but nonetheless, exactly
this morning my Cellsum order arrives in a vinyl-size box, and this turns
out to be because it's got a bonus poster in it. So Al & Co., not only are
you guys lovely in the first place, I'm also awed by the extent of your
conspiracy with the US and UK postal services: this couldn't have come at
a time when I more needed a nice surprise. Thanks, thanks quite a
lot! Yours,
n/p: Motorhead -_We Are Motorhead_ (though not for long now... )
Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College, London
jjarrett at at
"As much as the vision of the blind man improves with the rising sun,
So too does the intelligence of the fool after good advice."
(Bishop Theodulf of Orleans, late-eight/early-ninth century)
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