HW: Complete 79 sound quality

Iain Ferguson iainferguson at AOL.COM
Thu Oct 30 08:54:38 EST 2003

Hi Craig,

The complete 79 recording was a "collectors item", Ie expect it to be
rough & ready. Must admit that it was a disapointment to me when I first
heard it, and now sits gathering dust.

That said, it seems the best complete document from that tour ( the
first that I saw) and from that point it is worth it alone to me.

79 is still a cracking LP and is played in southville towers.


But from a

Craig Shipley wrote:

 > Sorry if this is an old subject, but I got the COMPLETE CD set last night
 > and, at first listen, the sound quality seems much worse than the old
 > single
 > LIVE IN (initial thought is that there is a lot of tape mis-tracking and
 > that the sound is not as clean). Must admit that the initial listen
 > was done on
 > a boom-box (but it is a high-quality boom-box, bi-amped speakers  all). I
 > haven done an A-B comparison yet, but my recollection was that Li79
 > was one of
 > the best sounding live recordings. Does anyone have any insight about
 > this? Or
 > are my ears just fulla crap? SYMBOL 74 \f "Wingdings" \s 10
 > Regards,
 > Craig Shipley
 > mr_ship at bellsouth.net (personal)
 > cshipley at veritas.com (work)
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