HW:Another HW Book?

Mon Sep 29 12:58:53 EDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arin Komins" <akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
> :Let's hear it for independent book publishing!
> hrm.
> IMHO, self-published authors tend to suffer fairly highly from what I call
> "lack of editing" ;-)
> I have no problems with independent book publishing, and I support small
> publishers whenever I can (and whenever they produce a decent product
> ;-) ), but I don't think small publishers should publish themselves.

Its a fairish point, Arin - though if Hawkwind were releasing their own
records on their own label would you have the same problem with it? I'm
guessing maybe not - and its this discrepancy between indie labels and
self-publishing that Eric has quite rightly identified.

Still, as somebody who *might* have to go down that road for a specific
project I agree with the need for editing in-put. Fortunately, I;ve got that
side of my project very well sorted  :-)


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