OFF/HW: Where Lemmy got the title for "Hammered"...

Christian christian.eric_mumford at CHELLO.NO
Wed Apr 14 02:03:20 EDT 2004

... yet also being an awesome CD and I am sure Lemmy must have
taken/ecstracted the album
title "Hammered" from my live Motörhead and Voïvod live reviews posted
in alt.punk ca. march/april/may 2001 which also are posted on my website:

Motörhead, Stone Pony show 1995:
"...more or less driven by that current superfast and pumped-up
robotic bleach-blonde Swedish barbarian drummer who hammers through
Motörhead's reportoire these days....."                         ^^^^^^^^^^

Voïvod, Oslo show 1997:
".... a freak speed/thrashmetal act like Voïvod more or less crossing
over into hardcore or punk under the lack of anything else more
obvious... Indeed, it was a great fucking night overall, and I didn't
get too hammered, anyway. "

"The Elkhund National Trumpeteer & Gothic Sausage"

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