OFF: Dowload research shows record sales unaffected

trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 16 17:49:12 EDT 2004

No we won't try that Doug.  I've heard of that kind of thing happening
before, especially the "here's the advance but you have to spend it in our
studios" - ha ha. Thats not really an advance is it - it's a con.  We're
looking for a deal that makes sense for both parties, whatever the size of
the company. There is not even a whiff of interest anywhere at all.  No, I
still think the serial killing is the best idea. I'll be posting a list soon
with names and addresses.
he he


----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Pearson" <jasret at MINDSPRING.COM>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: OFF: Dowload research shows record sales unaffected

> On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 16:54:37 +0100, trev <judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> >Yes, this only goes to confirm my belief that the drop in record sales
> >resulted from the music industry's gross ignorance as to the nature of
> >their product.  These get-rich-quick elitist, shop-keeper-mentality
> >morons do not believe that the quality of music product has any bearing
> >at all on sales.
> Actually, I agree with that.  Most of the consumer audience for music (or
> movies, or even books) do not want quality material (even if they say they
> do).  Just look at the best-seller charts.
> >For the past 3 months I have been approaching record companies re the new
> >Mother of All Bands album by Ron Tree and myself.  Half didn't even want
> >to hear it. 90% of the rest gave no reply.  In my own opinion, and in
> >Ron's, this album is the best either of us have ever made, including all
> >the Hawkwind and Inner City Unit albums we have been part of.  If nothing
> >comes of this venture I will give up playing music and start a new career
> >as a rec. co. executive serial killer!
> Trust me, you don't want to get involved with those record companies.
> <rant>
> I know a band who are about to sign with a Los Angeles-based major label
> (whose name rhymes with "winter dope"), and the contract they're being
> offered is NOTHING more than a money-laundering scam by the label.
> Basically, they're being force-fed a deal where they HAVE to take a large
> advance (which means that they won't make any money afterwards unless
> their album goes gold), AND they have to SPEND the large advance at the
> label's chosen studio, with the label's chosen producer ().  It's as if
> you went to the bank for a loan to buy an automobile, and the bank will
> only give you the loan if you buy from their "preferred" dealer, who
> happens to charge $2000 more for the same car than every other auto dealer
> in town.  If their album *doesn't* go gold, they'll be rapidly dropped by
> the label, still owing the label all of their advance (which they never
> even got to see because it went straight to the label's chosen producer &
> studio), which means that they will no longer be able to perform or record
> under their own name without getting sued by said label.
> (Oh, and in case you're wondering WHY a major label might be interested in
> this band [besides the fact that they *are* very good at what they do, and
> *are* great at motivating audiences]: their just-turned-21 female
> singer/bassist/violinist usually performs wearing not a whole lot more
> than Stacia did with Hawkwind.  I love Trev's & Ron's music, but guys -
> PLEASE don't try this!!!)
> </rant>
>     -Doug
>      jasret at

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