OFF: Email list vs. web forum (was Re: Hawkwind Mind Journey)

Alex S. Garcia asg at MVDBASE.COM
Wed Aug 4 10:46:38 EDT 2004

> > [...] and I wondered if you guys would be interested in using
> > this discussion/Q&A site I created a few months ago, but had'nt been able
> > to tell anyone about?
> >
> >
> Umm, my opinion is exactly the opposite of yours, I'm afraid.  I
> much MUCH *MUCH* prefer email lists over web forums!  With the
> latter, I have to periodically scan all the forums I'm interested
> in, one after another, to check for new messages.  That's a royal
> pain -- I want the messages to come to me!

I agree with Eric. Never been much into forums. They can be such a pain to
use. It takes way too much time and effort, IMHO. I'd hate to see the list
replaced by a forum. Although I wouldn't see a problem with having both --
just don't expect me to use the forum, lol. Not like I've been very active on
the list lately anyway, but there you go.

I check my mail several times a day. On the few forums I use, I tend to only
visit them once a month, if even that.

Just my two cents.

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