OFF: Re: Hi again

Stephen Swann swann at CUGC.ORG
Wed Aug 18 21:03:22 EDT 2004

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 07:30:22PM -0400, Albert Bouchard wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2004, at 7:06 PM, Stephen Swann wrote:
> > maybe they would know of other good stuff
> > that I hadn't heard of.  I can name about 30 CDs that I
> > bought strictly because of Napster.
> OK Sir, I stand corrected.
but I was just teasing you anyway. ;-)

I knew that - I've known the smiley code since 1984.  ;-)

But it's a very common notion that Napster didn't promote
sales, which just isn't true.  Lots of us who knew how to
use it to explore new music.  I bought many, many CDs (of
bands that I would otherwise have never heard of) during the
heyday of Napster.  I don't buy nearly as many now, because
I don't have the means to discover nearly as much cool music
as I did back then.

Steve Swann    | Speak to me in many voices, make
swann at |     them all sound like one

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