Cambridge Friday 13th

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Tue Dec 14 08:51:38 EST 2004

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Henderson Keith wrote:

> I'll be there.  Is there a good place for a pint or two near the CornX where
> folks could (orgone) accumulate before the show?  (Please state with/without
> food.)

        I would recommend either Tha Bath, though not without a certain
amount of pain becauses it got horribly modernised not so long ago, but as
a Hogshead will do halfway decent beer and food in the *ruins* of what
used to be a sixteenth-century building. Just down the street from it
(this being Bene't Street, which joins onto Corn Exchange Street) is the
Eagle where Dawson and Crick reputedly worked out DNA, and that's bigger,
has food but also had Greene King beer (and not kept well enough to get
away with it) and bouncers. I suppose however the Eagle may be the best

        Hmm. Can't now find proof that it does food. I'll look later
today. Here it is, anyway:,290059/207/record.html

        Ah yes, though. Food, and review:

        As they say, it will likely be very full, but so will everything
central enough to be local to the Corn Exchange, and it must be shading on
for vacation by now surely, so the students may not be quite so
numerous. Yours,

                Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College, London
    jjarrett at at
  "As much as the vision of the blind man improves with the rising sun,
       So too does the intelligence of the fool after good advice."
       (Bishop Theodulf of Orleans, late-eight/early-ninth century)

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