Guess the Hawkwind track - the answers

HawkFan hawkfan at RATSAUCE.CO.UK
Mon Jan 5 14:14:51 EST 2004

Ok there were a few typos in there. Don't blame me, I didn't write it ;-)


abd        Abducted
am         Adjust Me
tai        Aerospace Inferno
aia        Alien (I Am)
aod        Angels of Death
av         Angel Voices
aylym      Are You Losing Your Mind
aiu        Arrival in Utopia
aab        Assault and Battery
ta         The Awakening
bitb       Back in the Box
by         Be Yourself
bmu        Beam Me Up
btf        Behind the Face
bc         Black Corridor
bes        Black Elk Speaks
bs         Blue Skin
btg        Born to Go
bp         Brainbox Pollution
br         Brainstorm
bioh       Bring It On Home
cha        The Changing
cots       Children of the Sun
cym        Choose Your Masques
cl         Coded Languages
co         Confrontation
tcom       The Curse of Man
dol        Damage of Life
da         Damnation Alley
dv         Dangerous Visions
dl         The Dark Lords
dv         Dangerous Visions
dotu       Days of the Underground
dgh        Dead God's Homecoming
dwtd       Dealin' with the Devil
dt         Death Trap
dm         The Demented Man
de         The Demise
di         Disintegration
dttn       Down through the Night
df         Dragons and Fables
ds         Dragon Song
dc         Dreaming City
dw         Dream Worker
dre        Dreamers
dr         D-Rider
dot        Dust of Time
ec         Earth Calling
ea         Earthed to the Ground
e          Ejection
el         Elric the Enchanter
ete2       Elric the Enchanter
5-4        5/4
fa         Fable of a Failed Race
f451       Fahrenheit 451
foec       Fall of Earth City
fe         Festivals
fsof       Fifth Second of Forever
flom       First Landing on Medusa
tfd        Flying Doctor
ff         Free Fall
tgv        The Golden Void
ge         Good Evening
gfd        Green Finned Demon
his        Hassan I Sabha
hw         Hawkwind
h          Heads
hr         High Rise
htc        Hi Tech Cities
hod        Horn of Destiny
hos        Hurry On Sundown
im         Images
in         Infinity
ite        In the Egg
itr        Into the Realms
ise        It's So Easy
jos        Jack of Shadows
tjatg      Joker at the Gate
kc         Kerb Crawler
kos        Kings of Speed
le         Levitation
li         Lighthouse
loake      Living on a Knife Edge
litf       Looking in the Future
lol        Lord of Light
loc        Lords of Chaos
lc         Lost Chances
lj         Lost Johnny
lis        Love In Space
lsd        L.S.D.
mag        Magnu
mwyc       Make What You Can
moc        Mark of Cain
motu       Master of the Universe
mom        Messengers of Morpheus
mic        Micro Man
moi        Mirror of Illusion
m          Moonglum
mc         Motherless Children
mo         Motorhead
mo-c       Motorway City
n1         Narration I
n2         Narration II
ng         Needle Gun
ns         Neon Skyline
nj         New Jerusalem
noth       Night of the Hawk
nfacp      Note From a Cold Planet
nd         Nuclear Drive
nt         Nuclear Toy
otc        On the Case
too        The Only Ones
otddoacwk  (Only) The Dead Dreams Of The
oa         Orgone Accumulator
osc        Oscillations
oots       Out of the Shadows
ott        Over the Top
pa         Paradox
tpol       The Phenomenon of Luminosity
py         Pressing You
pr         Processed
psi        Psi Power
pw         Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear in Smo
psyc       Psychosonia
pxr5       PXR5
qsc        Quark, Strangeness and Charm
rm         Reefer Madness
trs        The Right Stuff
rob        Robot
rp         Rocky Paths
rttbb      Running Through the Backbrain
sk         The Sea King
s          Starflight
sa         Social Alliance
sbs        Seven By Seven
sd         Sex Dreams
sditn      Shot Down in the Night
sm         Silver Machine
soatt      Sleep of a Thousand Tears
sa         Sonic Attack
smg        Solitary Mind Games
sots       Song of the Swords
sid        Space is Deep
st         Space Travellers
sota       Spirit of the Age
ss         Sputnik Stan
sote       Standing on the Edge
sc         Star Cannibal
sof        Streets of Fear
smop       Sweet Mistress of Pain
so         Sweet Obsession
sote       Sword of the East
sw         Steppenwolf
tfy        25 Years
ts         Ten Seconds of Forever
tj         The Journey
trs        The Right Stuff
twbhh      The Wizard Blew His Horn
tgyn       They've Got Your Number
wttf       This Future
twltwt     Time We Left (This World today)
tb         To Be
tm         Transdimensional Man
tr         Treadmill
tvs        TV Suicide
tai        (The) Aerospaceage Inferno
ta         The Awakening
cha        (The) Changing
tcom       (The) Curse of Man
tcotbs     (The) Chronicle of the Black Sword
dl         (The) Dark Lords
dm         (The) Demented Man
tfd        (The) Flying Doctor
tgv        (The) Golden Void
tjatg      (The) Joker at the Gate
too        (The) Only Ones
tpol       (The) Phenomenon of Luminosity
sk         (The) Sea King
watch      (The) Watcher
usom       Uncle Sam's on Mars
ug         Urban Guerrilla
u84        Utopia '84
v10        Valium Ten
votw       Virgin of the World
tgv        Void of Golden Light
wft        Waiting for Tomorrow
woteot     Warrior on the Edge of Time
w          Warriors
w          Wings
w          The Watcher
wos        Wastelands of Sleep
wtgg       Watching the Grass Grow
wttws      We Took the Wrong Step
ww         Web Weaver
wttf       Welcome to the Future
wtggt      When the Going Gets Tough
wgwtw      Who's Gonna Win the War
twbhh      The Wizard Blew His Horn
x          Xenomorph
ybmu       You Burn Me Up
ykyod      You Know You're Only Dreaming
ybbi       You'd Better Believe It
z          Zarozinia

-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
[mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET]On Behalf Of HawkFan
Sent: 01 January 2004 12:37
Subject: Guess the Hawkwind track

A diversion for those (like me) with a New Years day hangover. The following
are acronyms of Hawkwind tracks. Do you know the track? I got about half of
them straight off, but some of the tracks from later albums I had to give up
on. No prizes, and I'm not going to mark your efforts! I'll post the list in
a day or two.

Note that where tracks start with "The" it is sometimes but not always


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