OT: HW: Various

bernhard.pospiech bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE
Mon Jul 5 10:36:37 EDT 2004


>Whether that was technical or something to deal with the Wilhelmsthal
>Hawkwind) festival, I couldn't tell.  So I went to see the forum at
www.hippies-united.de to find out what's going
>on, and from that (trying my best to make sense out of all the German
posts, without spending too much time with my
>nose in my dictionary), I learned that Kalle's festival either
definitely *is* going to happen, or definitely *not*.  >Or perhaps
somewhere in between. :)  So I was right to be a bit skeptical, but the
final story has yet to be told, I >guess.  Perhaps someone (Bernhard?)
could have a brief look at the posts there (Forum link is down on the
left side
>of the main page, and then go into the thread for the Wilhelmsthal
fest) and let me/us know what's the likely
>outcome.  I guess it has something to do with obtaining the permit from
the local government.

Well, all the postings seem to be very primitive
Not easy to understand what the folks are trying to say

All I could understand is that there will be another Festival (without
They had some problems to get the right area but now they got it

The festival WITH Hawkwind will be near Breitenbach

Here is the link:

You can find here a decription how to go to the festival

>So, at the moment, I'm only going to be intending to come for the first
weekend.  I'll probably arrive late Friday
>afternoon...will anybody (that is due to arrive earlier) be there with
a flag of any kind that will be distinctive?

I will be there, but only on SATURDAY
If someone needs my mobile phonenumber please contact me offlist


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