OFF: Viv Stanshall Documentary

Nick Lee nick.lee2 at VIRGIN.NET
Tue Jun 8 17:02:05 EDT 2004

Its entitled: "Vivian Stanshall: the Canyons of His Mind"; 10.00pm BBC4
Friday 11 June.
Not a lot of the stuff on BBC4 makes it to terrestrial BBC channels
(unlike BBC3), so I've no idea what the likelihood of BBC USA getting it


As an aside its followed by the first two epsiodes in a welcome re-run
of 'The Prisoner'.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On Behalf Of Jeff Berry
> Sent: 08 June 2004 18:51
> Subject: Re: OFF: Viv Stanshall Documentary
> >Next Friday on BBC4 there's a documentary about ex-Bonzo Dog
> Doo Da Band
> >man and Calvert collaborator Viv Stanshall.  Apparently with lots of
> >archive footage, promises to be interesting.
> >Nick
> Any idea if it's going to show up on BBC America?  And/or do you have
> a name on it so I can go searching for it?
> JB

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