Burg Herzberg tickets - help please?

Bart Brugmans bart at B-MOVIES.NL
Tue May 4 08:59:45 EDT 2004


european bank transfers should be (almost?) free (it is a european
law). If you have the iban (international bank account number) and
a bic (bank indentification code). When you transfer money to their
account make sure you tick the box that says "shared costs".


On 4 May 2004, at 12:47, M Holmes wrote:

> Got our flights booked but there seems to be a problem with tickets.
> For foreign tickets (under the English language section?) they just
> give some sort of bank account number. They don't seem to have
> facilities to take cheques or credit cards? My understanding is that a
> foreign currency transfer from my bank would be a significant fraction
> of the ticket price. Anyone know of any other way? Would any of the
> German folks be willing to order me a couple of tickets and I'll
> arrange payment to them in some way? Someone with a Paypal account for
> example I could just pay directly...
> Cheers
> FoFP

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