HW: Space Bandits and stuff

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Thu Sep 9 04:30:01 EDT 2004

Neil Shilladay wrote:
> Good to see 'Out of the Shadows' back in the live set list

IMO, "Out of the Shadows" generally sounds a lot better live than on the
studio _SB_ version.  (In fact, "OotS" generally sounds _storming_ live,
especially when there's enough crazed Brockoid geetar).  I find the
mixes on _SB_ don't quite do it for me ... too busy?  too compressed?
Something ....

I thought "Images" on that album was pretty good, though.  The other
tracks that I've heard live, I like better live :)


Carl Edlund Anderson

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