OFF: Fwd: [tempest-talk] Tempest - Boston - SciFi

David Kuznick dkuznick at ALUMNI.BRANDEIS.EDU
Wed Sep 15 12:15:29 EDT 2004

Quoting Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at CARLAZ.COM>:

> David, you're famous!

BTW, if anyone is curious what one of the players's impression of the gig was,

See Arin?  You were happy we played Bicycling to Afghanistan.  We on the other
hand were waiting for the wheels to come off, pun or no.  :-)  Let me tell you,
when 2 of you are playing in 5, 2 more are playing in 7 (on purpose :-), and the
2 basses are playing in 4 (syncopated) but shifted an 1/8 note off the beat from
where they are supposed to be playing, THAT is fear.  I still don't know how we

David Kuznick
"We'll wait in stone circles `til the force comes through - lines
joint in faint discord and the stormwatch brews - a concert of kings
as the white sea snaps at the heels of a soft prayer whispered"
     Dun Ringill - JETHRO TULL

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