HW: What's Happenin' Where is everyone?

Iain Ferguson iainferguson at AOL.COM
Thu Sep 23 10:43:32 EDT 2004

OH Yes INDEED !!!!!!

that would be one utterly awesome jam ....

We need techno explorations of an almost unhumankind <G>


PS just reading Sonic assassins, I love it, Alan Powell comes across as
a bit snotty mind,But everyone seems to like him <G>

Just read the Ginger Baker period....

M Holmes wrote on 9/23/2004, 3:37 PM:

 > Jon Jarrett writes:
 > >         The place for Tim Blake in matters Hawk, as I've said many
 > times,
 > > is in a techno side-project with Dave and Richard :-) Yours,
 > Yep, I still remember Tim and Richard's great techno jam at Brighton. If
 > these three got together and produced a side album of that stuff, it'd
 > be great!
 > FoFP

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