HW: tour

Muad'Dib michael_1968 at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Sat Sep 25 04:03:34 EDT 2004

Whats a discordian?  I am curious :)

** the following is an opinionated comment so if you are fanatically into
relgion like a fedayken on his jihad best you not read the following lest
you be filled with wrath. ** (Hit the delete button now)

Religions are for people who need to surround themselves with alot of other
people who hopefully share their same spiritual beliefs.  When people gather
under those circumstances its not long before a degree politics takes over -
levels of power are alloted  and ultimatly corruption follows.  Spirituality
is a 100% personal endeavour.  We dont need religions - priests - gurus -
outdated bibles etc.  Spirituality is all about SELF growth.

----- Original Message -----
From: "M Holmes" <fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: HW: tour

> Muad'Dib writes:
> > ..religion.... arrrrghhhh pwwwwt almost as 'orrible as politics
> Depends on the religion eh? Us Discordians use argument as a form of
> worship.
> FoFP

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